Today is our last day of the cruise. We are at sea all day. Our thoughts of the cruise were that it was fun, a very nice and fairly new ship. We had a great dining room crew – Suna as our head waiter, Alit as his assistant, and Melvin as our wine steward. We thought it was funny that they never wanted to leave the ship even when they had time off because it was so cold for them. They are in the north for 2 more 7 day cruises and then they return to the carribean so they are looking forward to that.
Suna is not married but has a girl at home who he has been dating for a long time, she is a nurse, and she gave him a ring that he wears so that people know he is taken. He is a very capable and knowledgeable waiter and very nice.
Alit is the assistant water, he is learning and should be ready to take over as a head waiter soon. He was taking orders for our dessert and things as the cruise wore on. He has a wife and a 1 year old little boy at home. He loves to get to ports where he can get good internet because his wife sends him a picture of the baby every day and he can’t afford the internet on the ship so when he gets into a port with good internet he gets all of his pictures.
Melvin is our wine steward and is a little bit more shy but very nice and was always jumping in to help older folks around us who had a problem, or spilled something or needed help. He came to chat with us every night, and he knew a lot about wine and was very interested in the wines that we purchased in Amsterdam.
We enjoyed all of them very much.
We think that we would definitely like to return to Iceland again. Although Scotland and Norway were very nice, we don’t think that we will return to them again. We feel like we got a flavor of both of them.