Friday 8/2 in Sandpoint
Thursday was our travel day. We left home at around 3:30 AM headed to the airport. We met Chris and Linda along the way and reached the airport by 5:00AM The trip was fairly smooth except that Chris’ wheelchair was temporarily lost as we switched planes in Phoenix. Eventually we were assured that it was on our new plane and we made it to Spokane fine.
After an hour and a half drive we reached Eric and Cindy’s house. It is absolutely gorgeous, you can tell that an artist is at work inside. Everywhere you look you find a new piece of artwork, either natural or man made. We definitely have to explore more there this weekend.
We dropped off Chris and Linda and then headed to our AirBnB. It’s a cute little cottage in downtown Sandpoint. We were tired but did go downtown for dinner and then walked to City Beach to get used to the town.
Saturday morning we cooked some breakfast at the house with some groceries that we got yesterday at a nearby market. Then we walked to Evans Brothers Cofee shop about a block away for some great coffee. Here is a picture of our cottage –

After breakfast we headed down to City beach to take some photos there. There was a young swim team practicing in the water. We had walked to this area the night before but wanted some daytime pictures.

We also took a trip across the long bridge where we will swim tomorrow just to get some pictures. This is the view we will have as we start our swim tomorrow, and we will swim along the bridge to the far side ending at “Dog Beach”

We decided to go to Sweitzer Mountain and take the chairlift to the top to see the views from the top. It was a bit if a hike even to get to chair lift and Chris and Cindy were real troopers climbing all over with us. The views were certainly worth the trip

We headed back into town to get cleaned up and get ready for dinner – one of the fun things about the town that we liked was this bike rack in front of the winery – it’s a cork screw sculpture that doubles as a bike rack

We headed over to Eric and Cindy’s house for Dinner on Friday night. The house is really beautiful, you can tell that an artist is at work there. Here are some pictures of the many beautiful contents of the house

The house was filled with many treasures and one of the things that we loved the most was the kitchen and the beautiful granite counter top in the kitchen was spectacular.

We really enjoyed hanging out at the house all together but had to get home to get some rest before the Long Bridge Swim on Saturday.
Here we all are after dinner