Machias Seal Island – Day 2
The second day of our boat trip was beautiful and sunny. We got our Subway sandwiches for breakfast and lunch and headed out to meet Captain Andy and Corey. We really enjoyed the two of them. They were quirky and funny and really made the day enjoyable. Corey wore a pair of tall rubber boots and was quite a character as was the Captain.
Since the weather was so much nicer we were able to see the scenery on the way out to the island. The Cutler Harbor was very clear and we took a few photos before we left –

Cutler Harbor

Cutler Harbor
A little ways out of Cutler Harbor at the mouth of the harbor sat a lighthouse on a small island called Little River Island.

Little River Lighthouse
We took the 45 minute trip to the lighthouse in much clearer conditions and could get a view of the lighthouse as we approached as well as of some puffins in the water as we waited to go ashore.

Lighthouse and Machias Seal Island

Puffins in the water near Machias Seal Island
Once we got onto the island we were split up again into 2 groups and we asked if we could go to the blinds that we had not been in the day before. We were so glad that we did because we saw many many Puffins feeding their young. The day before we didn’t get any photos of puffins with fish in their mouths but today we got so many that we had a hard time choosing. We even saw one with a small squid in it’s mouth. They were very noisy talking and thumping their little webbed feet as they walked across the boardwalks and disappeared down into the rocks to feed their young. We also noticed in the better visibility that some of the puffins were banded.


Puffin with Squid in it’s mouth

Puffin with fish in it’s mouth

Puffin with fish in it’s mouth

Puffin with fish in it’s mouth

Puffin with Squid in it’s mouth
We took hundred of photos and then went back to the lighthouse to hear the Coast Guard guys talk about the island and look at some of the photos that they had taken. Finally it was time to leave the island. We really enjoyed this trip. Machias Seal Island was well worth the trip. Captain Andy and Corey from Bold Coast tours were very fun, and the scenery was beautiful!

A view after we were back on the boat, watching the other group get loaded on the small transport

A view of Machias Seal Island from out boat as we were leaving

Captain Andy bringing the other group back to the boat

Seals in the water on the edge of Machias Seal Island

Corey in his boots and Captain Andy

Cutler Harbor as we returned from the day.
We headed back to the hotel in Machias to get some rest before our flight home on the 6th from the Bangor Airport.