For our 3rd day in Barcelona we booked a private tour. Christian from Barcelona Day tours arrived at our hotel to pick us up in a nice car. He was from Germany but had moved to Barcelona with his family because his wife was from Barcelona and she missed the sub so much while they were living in Germany that she became very depressed and ill.
We went first to Montserrat because in order to get tickets to see the Black Madonna there you must arrive very early. He stopped for a photo here or there while we were driving but went as quickly as he could to Montserrat.

Montserrat from a distance

Rock formation on Montserrat called the heart

Church on the way up to Montserrat

A view up at Montserrat from the church parking lot/

looking down from the Montserrat parking lot.
When we arrived Christian parked the car and went to the ticket office to try to secure the Black madonna tickets which he was able to do. We then got in line behind a tour group that was also waiting to enter. we tried to pass by them, not realizing that they were stopped because the gate was closed and not because they were listening to a speech by their guide. She yelled at us, and one of the people in her group said – don’t worry she’s a little bit militant. We did enter and followed some hallways and stairs up to the area behind the alter where the Black Maddona was. The church was beautifully decorated in gold and tile and stained glass.

The Altar where the Black Madonna sits high up in the round area behind.

Stained glass and statues in teh church of Montserrat

Golden ceiling on the staircase up to the Black Madonna

Finally we reached the madonna, we had just a few seconds to say a prayer before we had to move along.

Black Madonna

Standing in. front of the Black Madonna looking back down at the church.

Stained glass in the church
we lit some candles in the church on our way out and then headed over to the Museum which has a large collection of art from artists like Monet, Picasso and Renoir. We were allowed to take pictures.

Outside the dorms where a select number of boys are chosen to come study music at Montserrat. They have to pass rigorous tests to get in and then they live and study there for 6 years.

The mountain rising behind the museum

Art at the Museum

Stained Glass at the Museum

A Renoir

Painting by Monet

Painting by Monet

We then took the cable car down from the top of Montserrat to meet Christian in a lower parking lot.

View from the top

View from the bottom of the cable car

View from the bottom of the cable car
Christian then took us for a tour of many places in Barcelona, statues, homes by Antoni Gaudi, the Olympic Village and venues as well as a view from above the port looking down on where our cruise ship would dock. We also had lunch in a local restaurant that was frequented by many workers on their lunch break for some authentic Barcelona food.
We finished at Park Guell which was also done by Gaudi. We saw so many things that I started to lose track.

Plaza espana

Looking down from the national Art museum of Cataluna

Looking down from the national Art museum of Cataluna

National Art Museum of Cataluna

Statue at the Olympic venues meant to symbolize the olympic flame

The cauldron for the actual Olympic flame

A statue meant to show a traditional spanish dance.

Looking down at the port from a park above Barcelona where our cruise ship would dock but it wasn’t there yet.

Barcelona Arch de Triumph

Barcelona Arch de Triumph

Another Gaudi house La Pedrera (Casa Mila)

Another Gaudi house La Pedrera (Casa Mila)

Park Guell

Park Guell

Park Guell

Park Guell

Park Guell

Park Guell

After the tour Christian dropped us back at the hotel and we had a short rest before having a fancy dinner at the rooftop restaurant at our hotel. We leave for the ship in the morning after one last breakfast with Sandra the Breakfast manager.