We docked in Cannes and met our guide. We boarded a bus to the little town of St. Raphael, but would drive along the French Riveria as we went and came back.

A stop along the way with the French Riviera in the background.

Views from the bus

Basilica of St Notre Dame of Victoire with a statue of St. Raphael on the top

The square in St. Raphael.
We had some time on our own so we found a pharmacy to get some cold medicine for Shawn and then went to a cafe to sit because she had tweaked her hip and back on the bike ride yesterday and wasn’t feeling too well.

Some views of the ocean from town

We then drove along the riviera for quite a while with some stunning views.

After one of the stops the bus driver hit his engine cover door on a curb and we had to stop and wait for a maintenance person to come and fix it before we could continue. We made it back to the ship and Shawn went straight to bed without dinner, which Conrad ate at the Lido for dinner.
Hoping to feel better tomorrow.