Today we have 2 stops in the Falklands. The first is called Carcass where we opted to take a 2.5 mile hike which passes some Penguin colonies, and has lots of nesting birds. The Zodiac ride to shore was quite rough, to the point where the landing team was manned by Jamie our expedition leader and one other experienced leader who were chest deep in water when we arrived guiding the Zodiac's in. They got everyone landed safely and we headed off on a hike across landscape that looked sort of like scotlands highlands. There are no mice or rats on this particular island and so ground nesting birds thrive in this area.
We saw Upland Geese, a few Magellanic Penguins (which are burrowing penguins) and some Gentoos (which have red beaks). We also saw some larks and other birds.

After spending quite a bit of time at the bird colonies we then took a long hike through the grasslands and along the beach to a farmstead. where they were serving cakes and tea, but the walk was quite long in the stiff wind and it's really hard to regulate temperature because you need to be waterproof for the Zodiac rides and have muck boots on because of the wet landings but then take a long hike in gorgeous warm temperatures. The scenery was gorgeous.

We went back to the ship for lunch and a rest. The ship repositioned to West Point to an area that is being taken care of by a couple Thijs and Kiki who have sailed around the world twice on a small sailboat, which was anchored in the harbor when we arrived, and who are now the caretakers. We had a dry landing on the beach at West Point and were met by Kiki who offered us a hike or a ride in her Range Rover to the Black Browed Albatross colony on the other side of the Island, Conrad decided to walk, and since Shawn's knee was bothering her she took a ride. The Colony was amazing. It was a mix of Black Browed Albatross, nesting with Chicks, right next to Rock Hopper Penguins who were also nesting with chicks, situated above some cliffs and the water. The 2 species of birds were not at all bother by the humans or each other. We took loads of pictures of both kinds of birds as well as some Caracara in the area, and the views.

We headed back to the ship from West Point and will reposition tonight over to Stanley Falkland Islands. More Penguin colonies tomorrow as well as a visit to a town.
Out on the sea we saw some Sei Whales in the distance and got som pretty terrible pictures.